Welcome, Makers


Just Sustainably.

Be a Mighty Maker

Be a Mighty Maker •

We are makers, moms and everything in between - and to us, what goes into our products is just as important as how it is made.

At our parties and events, ingredients will be organic or natural as possible, free of toxins, and safe for people of all ages to use and consume.

Our take home packaging is compostable, recyclable or biodegradable.

All of these elements are important to us and for future generations to come.




We have spent half a decade leading the way in converting our customers to a more sustainable way of shopping, by offering them powerful products, derived from nature and kind to the earth.

After getting to this point in our journey, we are ready to share in the joy of safely and sustainably making some of these fun staples.

We currently offer bath bomb and fairy dust (bath salts) making, candle making, body spray and perfume making.

Book your next event with us to see what all the FUN is about!

F.A.Q’s + Tidbits

Who do I contact to discuss the details of my party?

Once you reserve your party date and book online, we will contact you within 72 hours. Please also feel free to reach us directly via email at hello@mighty-makers.com

If I have less than 4 people or more than 12 people, can I reserve a party online?

If your party size does not fall within the 4-12 people parameters then please contact us directly to create a custom event for you.

Will my guests get to take their items home with them?

Yes, all items made will go home the same day with their maker. Not everything will be cured or be able to be used immediately, however. For example, bath bombs take 48 hours to cure at home.

Can I bring food and cake for a party?

Absolutely! We encourage this to make the celebration more festive and fun.

What if I would like to change a start time for my party?

Our schedule and time frames are set to allow each party time to setup before hand (30 minutes) and then time to collect their belongings after. This is before the next party comes through. Since the schedule is rigid, we generally can’t allow for time changes, but contact us directly if concerned about your timeslot.

Is there a limit to how many workshop tickets I can purchase?

Depending on the workshop offered, there will be a set amount of tickets available based on a first come, first served basis. If you need to purchase more than 6 tickets then please contact us directly.

Where do I go to purchase workshop tickets?

Workshop tickets can be purchased under the “Book a Party” tab.